今日の単語 Huddle
H 0件のコメントHuddle
1. 今日も例文をみてみましょう
Japanese monkeys are seen forming a huddle at Choshikei Monkey Park in Tonosho, Kagawa Prefecture. The highest-ranking male with his mouth wide open is in the center left. (from the Mainichi)
Biden presses for fast action on relief plan as he huddles with Democrats (from the Market Watch)
Do your teams have a daily rhythm? Or are they so lost in the busy-ness of work that they have no time to talk? Of all the meetings that I suggest to clients, the most controversial is always the daily huddle (or scrum or standup). They tell me it’s going to disrupt the flow of the day. People will be off-site or with a customer. There are a hundred reasons why it won’t work. (from BBN Times)
2. イメージはわかりましたね。では英英辞典の説明をみてみましょう。
to come close together in a group, or to hold your arms and legs close to your body, especially because of cold or fear
a small group of people or things that are close together
to crouch, curl up, or draw oneself together
3. 和英辞典の意味もみておきましょう
4. 類義語辞典にある単語ものぞいておきましょう
bunch, cluster, muss, mess, meeting, conference, group, clutter, chaos, confusion, discussion, etc.
5. 類義語に chaos や mess が入っているのはちょっと意外です。例文をもっと見てみましょう。
Team huddles in sport have led to large number of coronavirus cases (from newstalk)
Emperor penguins display rigorously geometric spacing and mathematical efficiency when they huddle together for warmth, which may reveal secrets to their overall health. (from Quanta magazine)
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