今日の単語 Intercede

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1. まずは例文を見てみましょう

According to police, it’s believed that two groups of people that knew each other got into a verbal altercation at 300 Maple Ave. It’s alleged that Gladden arrived on the scene and was not part of the verbal altercation. They say the Gladden recognized a friend’s daughter that was being verbally accosted by several men and then he stepped in to intercede. (from WENY news)

After peace talks failed, the UN interceded in an attempt to get the rebel groups and the government back to the negotiating table.

2. 英英辞典の解説はこのようになっています。

to use your influence to persuade someone in authority not to punish or harm or to do something for someone

to act or to interpose on behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble as by pleading of petition

to attempt to reconcile differences between two people, groups; mediate

3. 英和辞典の説明を見てみましょう


4. 類義語をみておきます

arbitrate, intervene, intrude, plead, interpose, reconcile, negotiate, etc.

5. 例文をもっと見ておきましょう

 I know his good nature, but if he hesitates you must intercede, or help me some way or other

Steva interceded, and the two men got into a scuffle.

He shows how comets and bolides have interceded in planetary history in the past, and how their future influence – catastrophic or not – might be estimated.

Some pharmacists will intercede on your behalf with doctors.




1日前の単語は huddle

今日の単語 Huddle – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)

1週間前の単語は amenable

今日の単語 Amenable – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)


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