今日の単語 totter
T 0件のコメントtotter
1.今日は totter です。まずは例文から見てみましょう。
Why the high-heel fashion could be tottering at last – Could high heels have had their day? About time, says Sharon Griffiths. It was all Carrie Bradshaw’s fault. As she strode through Sex and the City twenty years ago, she never wore anything less than a five-inch heel. Ouch. An entire generation of young women copied her. So they limped and tottered through their lives, crippling themselves in the process. Now I love a good heel as much as anybody. A particular scarlet pair that I love so much might have to come with me to the grave. But every day? For work? No way. They can just about last a party – and only then if I spend most of it sitting down. (from Eastern Daily Press)
White-tailed deer and rare newborn triplet fawns captured on video in Milwaukee by Urban Ecology Center – The doe wasn’t alone. In seconds, she was joined by first one, then two, then three tottering fawns. “I was totally amazed,” Leinbach said. “The fawns were so tiny and just learning to walk.” Leinbach estimated the doe had given birth in just the last hour or two. (from Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Several tall piles of books tottered and fell.
He tottered to the fridge, got a drink and slumped at the table.
The property market is tottering.
to walk with difficulty in a way that looks as if you are about to fall
to shake and move from side to side
If someone totters somewhere, they walk there in an unsteady way, for example because they are ill or drunk.
If something such as a market or government is tottering, it is weak and likely to collapse or fail completely.
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