今日の単語 fret
F 0件のコメントfret
1.今日の単語は fret です。
Don’t Do This Before Getting Your Booster, Virus Experts Warn- DOCTORS SAY IT ISN’T NECESSARY BEFORE YOUR SUPPLEMENTAL DOSE. For months, some have fretted over knowing how protected they are from infection by checking their COVID antibody levels after illness or receiving their initial vaccine doses. But when patients ask if they should take such a test to check if a booster shot is needed, doctors suggest they forgo the procedure. “The overwhelming answer is no,” Mo Rezaie, MD, a physician at Fort Worth Primary Care in Texas, tells local CBS affiliate KTVT. While vaccines work by generating an immune response in the body that produces protective antibodies, officials have warned for months that lab results can’t be used to determine how well you’re covered. “You should not interpret the results of your SARS-CoV-2 antibody test as an indication of a specific level of immunity or protection from SARS-CoV-2 infection,” the FDA wrote in a notice posted on May 19, 2021. (from Best Life)
Walmart gets its bite back – The Beast of Bentonville still has Amazon on its tail – There’s a puzzle, though. Investors are not buying it. In the past year Walmart’s share price has lagged behind not just Amazon, the e-commerce giant, but other big-box American retailers, such as Target and Home Depot. On November 16th its shares fell a further 3%, as investors fretted over what Simeon Gutman of Morgan Stanley described as slightly “squishy” profit margins. (from the Economist)
株価が下がると投資家が fret over するみたいですね。
She spent the day fretting about/over what she’d said to Nicky.
あああ、あんなこと言っちゃったーーー って時ありますね。
Don’t fret – I’m sure he’s OK.
I was working all hours and constantly fretting about everyone else’s problems.
But congressional staffers fret that the project will eventually cost billions more.
to be nervous or worried
If you fret about something, you worry about it.
fret やきもきする、くよくよする
5カ月前の単語は engender 生み出す https://himekurieitango.engender