今日の単語 outside the box
O 0件のコメント(think) outside the box
- out of the box という表現もあります
- ポジティブ
to think imaginatively using new ideas instead of traditional or expected ideas
to think about something in a way that is new or different and shows imagination, especially in business
She goes on to urge companies to think outside the box and challenge the old ways of working.
Racing Around: Promoters think outside box to keep fans interested – from the Daily Gazette 14th Oct 2022
Thinking outside the ‘western box’ for employee engagement - A case study of garment factories in Bangladesh on how to improve worker health, happiness and productivity. My research in Bangladesh demonstrates that traditional Western supply chain management approaches designed in corporate offices are not always effective. For long-term impact and to avoid unintended negative consequences, companies must tap into local knowledge to create productive and appropriate employee engagement methods customized to the cultural and geographic context. This requires thinking outside the “western box.” I observed local best-practice employee engagement approaches within several socially conscious Bangladeshi factories. (Reference: GreenBiz October 6, 2016)
こちらはちょっとしたアレンジ版。バングラディシュでの話。外資企業が西洋のやり方にとらわれない従業員への対応をしたほうが長い目で見ればうまくいく、といった内容。日本にある外資系企業でなら、Let’s think and do outside the Japanese box 日本のやり方にとらわれずやってみよう、という感じで使えそう。
7か月前に学んだ単語は nag がみがみ言う https://himekurieitango.com/nag.
outside the box 型にとらわれない