今日の単語 liver spot
L 0件のコメントliver spot
- 恐怖の単語
- 鏡を見るたびにため息が
- 多くの中年女性の悩みかも
これは Cambridge Dictionary の解説です。日本だと頬っぺたにできる薄いシミを指すことが多いと思いますが、要するに老人性、加齢にともなうシミということ。
a small, dark area on the skin, especially of people older than around fifty
こちらは Collins Dictionaryの説明。そうそう、紫外線が一番の敵ですよ。
a dark brown skin spot, usually caused by sun exposure
He has receding white hair, a walrus mustache and liver spots on his hands.
Liver spots are harmless and don’t need treatment.
How to Get Rid of Age Spots (or Liver Spots) and Avoid More – What to do about those brown spots on your skin + how to avoid getting more. Your doctor has told you that those brown spots that appeared suddenly on your skin are nothing to worry about – they are simply age spots. That’s great news. But if you don’t like how they look, you might be wondering how you got those spots, how can you get rid of them and how to avoid getting more. Age spots, which are sometimes called liver spots or solar lentigines, happen after exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, says dermatologist Amy Kassouf, MD. They can be tan, brown or black, vary in size and usually appear on the areas most exposed to the sun such as the face, hands, shoulders and arms. (From Wellness and Health Tips)
世界共通ですね。Age spots も同じ扱い。ネットにはシミを薄くするヒントがたくさん出ていました。ミルにかけた玉ねぎとアップルビネガーをシミに塗る、か。。。やってみよううかな。
4か月前の単語は buffet 叩きつける https://himekurieitango.buffet
Liver spot 肝斑 シミ