今日の単語 Fetter
F 0件のコメントfetter
1. 今日の単語は fetter です。何を想像しますか。私は フェタチーズ。。。まずは例文を見てみましょう。
The state did its best to improve public education but found itself fettered by the limits on public expenditure.
Former Gloriavale leader doubts unfettered investigation will spark change (from 1 News)
2. 次に英英辞典の意味を見てみます
to keep someone within limits or stop them from making progress
to tie someone to a place by putting chains round their ankles
a chain or shackle placed on the feet
usually fetters. anything that confines or restrains
3. 日本語ならどんな言葉がしっくりくるでしょうか。英和辞典で確認します。
4. あまり使いたい単語ではないですが、たくさんの類義語がでてきました。
bind, chain, check, clog, confine, cuff, curb, encumber, hamper, hinder, repress, restrain, restrict, shackle, manacle, etc.
5. 例文をもう少し見ておきましょう
He felt fettered by a nine to five office existence.
No regulation have been issued fettering the discretion of the insurance committee.
It doesn’t work in blinkers and fetters.
1週間前の単語は 今日の単語 Redress
1か月前の単語は https://himekurieitango.com/enthrall/