今日の単語 Redress
R 0件のコメントredress
1. redress 何となく想像がつくような、つかないような。では例文をみてみましょう。
Cork industrial school survivor sues State over legal aid and redress ‘gagging order’ (from Irish Examiner)
Financial redress act for survivors of historical child abuse in care welcomed (from Scottish Legal News)
2. 英英辞典の説明を読んでみましょう。
to put right a wrong, to give payment for a wrong that has been done
to correct a wrong
money you have to pay to someone else because you have injured that person or treated them badly
3. 英和辞典で確認してみましょう
4. Collocation も確認しましょう。組み合わせて覚えておいたほうが自然に使えそうです。
afford redress 救済(補償)する
expect full and speedy redress 十分かつ迅速な補償を期待する
have redress/ obtain redress by ~ ~によって弁償してもらう
seek judicial redress 司法上の救済・補償を求める
There is no legal redress to be obtained 法的に得られる保証はない
petition for redress 救済を嘆願する
seek redress by appeal 訴えで償いを求める
obtain redress for damages 損害の補償を得る
5. 例文を追加して見ておきましょう
The House of Lords has discussed the need for a redress scheme for mothers and babies harmed by sodium valproate. (from Epilepsy Society)
Mother and baby home survivors invited to give views on redress scheme (from Irish Examiner)
‘Free speech’ academics can seek legal redress – Academics who lose their jobs in freedom-of-speech disputes will be able to claim compensation through the courts. (from the Sunday Times)
Ms. Jones told her supervisor that his conduct was improper and that she would seek redress in court for sexual harassment.
1週間前の単語は stifle
今日の単語 Stifle – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)
1か月前の単語は incumbent
今日の単語 Incumbent – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)
2か月前の単語は perturb
今日の単語 Perturb – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)