今日の単語 disparaging
D 0件のコメントdisparaging
1.今日はあまりよくない単語ですが、disparaging 残念ながらネットから例文を探すのは難しくないと思われます。
RACHEL NICHOLS APOLOGIZES AFTER LEAKED AUDIO REVEALED HER DISPARAGING COMMENTS ABOUT MARIA TAYLOR – There is drama over at ESPN and it has nothing to do with NBA players or Paul Pierce partying with strippers. This time around, reporter Rachel Nichols is under fire after leaked audio revealed her unfavorable view of fellow reporter Maria Taylor. (from Black Enterprise)
最近はいつでも録音されているのでしょうか。。。もちろん disparaging なことを言うのが良くないのですけどね。
India’s Maldives envoy seeks more protection after disparaging social media posts – The extreme bonhomie between India and Maldives has come under attack by a few journalists in Male. It has led to sparks flying over the Indian High Commission’s letter to the Maldivian Foreign Ministry seeking enhanced protection for its diplomats and to take action against individuals or media outlets critical of India. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) opted to let the High Commission and Male sort out the issue by declining to comment on the developments. (from the Tribune)
disparaging が増えたのは SNS の利用が増えてからなのかなと感じます。
Do not talk disparagingly about your company in public.
He was critical of the people, disparaging their crude manners.
to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you don’t respect or value him, her or it
if you are disparaging someone or something, or making disparaging comments about them, you say things which show that you don’t have a good opinion of them.
disparaging 中傷的な、見くだすような