今日の単語 flimsy

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1.今日の単語は flimsy まずはネットニュースから例文をみてみましょう。

Beyond Trump’s flimsy lawsuits, there’s a proper path for regulating social media – The lawsuits filed by former President Donald Trump and his allies against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, and Google CEO Sundar Pichai have been widely reviled as  a legally-flimsy political ploy aimed at fundraising and motivating his base in advance of the coming Congressional elections. They are that and will almost certainly be dismissed by the courts as legally defective. But they also raise fundamental questions about the role of social media in today’s information ecosystem that deserve a full airing. (from the Hill)

トランプ元大統領のSNSに対する訴訟。legal だけど flimsy だとかなり reviled 罵倒されているようです。

Ministers’ rationale for privatising Channel 4 looks extremely flimsy – (from the Guardian)

英国のチャンネル4を民営化するという根拠がかなり flimsy らしい。

We Found It: An Umbrella for the Long Haul – When I think back on a decade spent commuting to work, I shudder to recall all the flimsy umbrellas I’ve bought, used a handful of times, and left in crumpled, broken heaps in Manhattan trash cans. (All that walking amounts to 2,600 morning slogs alone—not to mention dozens of sudden downpours.) So it felt like the skies parted when I came upon Blunt’s Metro umbrella, which keeps me bone-dry in rain, sleet, and snow without hogging too much sidewalk space. (from Real Simple)

風の強い日、大雨の日、すぐに壊れてしまうような、なんだか布に雨がすぐしみこんでしまうような傘を思い浮かべて下さい。flimsy umbrellas にはさよなら。完璧な傘を見つけました!

You won’t be warm enough in that flimsy dress.

よく思います。そんな flimsy な服で寒くないの?

We spent the night in a flimsy wooden hut.

遭難したんでしょうか。flimsy な小屋で一晩をすごしました。

When I asked him why he was late, he gave me some flimsy excuse about having car trouble.

遅刻してきた人が flimsy な言い訳をした。


very thin, or easily broken or destroyed

a flimsy argument, excuse, etc. is weak and difficult to believe

(of material) very thin, (or of a structure or object) badly made and weak, and therefore easily broken or destroyed






flimsy 薄い、お粗末な


一週間前の単語は、、、今日の単語 elusive でした。はぐらかすような、理解しにくい、という意味でしたね。


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