今日の単語 Vie
V 0件のコメントvie
1. 今日は vie です。フランス語の人生、を思い浮かべそうになりますが、英語の意味はちょっと違います。
Five vie for four seats in Washingtonville – WASHINGTONVILLE — Five candidates are running for four seats on village council. Incumbents include Herman C. Frank lll, Peggy S. Frank and Al Vignon, joined on the ballot by Jim Smith and Leo Slagel. (from Salem News)
候補者は5人。議席は4つ。incumbent は現職の意味。
Japan party heads vie for support on 1st weekend of election race – Japanese political party leaders took to the streets Saturday, the first weekend since official campaigning for next week’s general election began, with how to improve the lives of those impacted by the coronavirus pandemic one of the hotly debated issues. (from Kyodo News)
参議院選挙直前。各党の党首が街頭演説。国民からの支持をvie してます。
Emirates and Singapore Airlines vie to be first with A380 Sydney restart – Yes I realise that, at time of writing, only eligible travellers can book flights to Sydney, Australia. But two of the world’s finest airlines are vying with one another as to which will be first to restart A380 service to Sydney. Having spent some time today trawling the airlines’ websites, I can confirm Singapore Airlines will be the winner because of the time difference and the shorter flight sector. Both carriers launch daily A380 services on December 1. SIA’s A380 schedules are: SQ231 departing Singapore at 0045, arriving into Sydney at 1150 – SQ222 departing Sydney at 1610, arriving into Singapore at 2120 (from Business Traveler)
The two older children tend to vie with the younger one for their mother’s attention.
California is vying with other states to capture a piece of the growing communications market.
2. 今日も辞書にのっている意味を確認しておきましょう。
to compete with other people to achieve or get something:
If one person or thing is vying with another for something, the people or things are competing for it.
to strive in competition or rivalry with another; contend for superiority:
vie 競う、張り合う
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