今日の単語 Throng
T 0件のコメントthrong
【音節】throng 【発音記号】θrˈɔːŋ
Leaving the award party, the new film star pushed his way through the throng of fans into his luxury car.
Thousands of New Year revelers thronged the square on New Year’s Eve despite the pandemic.
2. 意味が想像できましたか。最初の例は名詞、後の例は動詞ですね。では、英英辞典での説明をみてみましょう。
a multitude of people crowded or assembled together, crowd
a great number of things crowded or considered together
to assemble, to collect, go in large numbers, crowd
to crowd, to press upon, jostle
to fill or to occupy as with a crowd
3. 和英辞典の説明をみてみます。
4.Collocation を確認してみましょう。色々あって面白いです。
a dense throng 密集した群衆
a happy throng of strollers ぶらぶらとして楽しそうな人たちの群れ
press on into the center of the jostling throng 押し合う群衆の真ん中にどんどん押し入る
a massive throng 大群衆
a milling throng ぐるぐる動き回る群衆
a motley throng 雑然たる群衆
a wildly cheering throng 夢中になって歓呼する群衆
throng around someone (人の)まわりに群がる
Dozens of journalists thronged into the room. 何十人ものジャーナリストがその部屋になだれ込んだ
Harajuku is always thronged with young people. 原宿はいつも若い人でいっぱいだ
5. 最近の話題から例文を加えてみます。
World stunned by subversion of U.S. democracy after pro-Trump throng breaches Capitol
Nearly 2,000 visitors thronged the popular tourist spot Kovai Courtallam, which reopened on Sunday after remaining closed for nine months due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
1週間前にとりあげた単語は oblivious でした