今日の単語 teeter
T 0件のコメントteeter
2.今日の単語は teeter ですが、teetering でよく見かけます。では、例文から見てみましょう。
Afghanistan Teetering on Brink of Universal Poverty, UN Warns – Millions may starve if farmers do not receive the seeds to plant their winter wheat crop on time. – [Islamabad] Forty years of war, natural catastrophes, poverty and drought, and now the coronavirus pandemic, have left Afghans in the grip of a desperate economic crisis. Since the Taliban completed their conquest of Afghanistan on August 15, global financial organizations have suspended all assistance and the US has frozen the country’s foreign reserves. Afghans are struggling with the chaos caused by the political transition, collapsing finances and rising poverty. (from the Medialine)
40 年も戦争が続いて、タリバン政権になって、コロナもあって、支援が滞って、食糧難。すでに teetering ではないかもしれませんが、気の毒です。
Solheim Cup: Europe’s fate could hang on Korda’s ‘teetering’ ball – Sagström’s error in picking up her rival’s ball too quickly sparked controversy – The salty tears shed by Madelene Sagström told its own story, only serving to underscore the thin margin between winning and losing; for, in picking up Nelly Korda’s ball in Saturday’s fourballs as the American’s eagle putt finished close to the lip on the 13th hole, and the resultant insistence of a senior referee that she had infringed the 10 seconds rule by being too quick off the mark in not allowing time for the ball to drop, that action in effect decided their match. (from the Irish Times)
ゴルフの話題。teetering ball イメージしやすいかな。
CinemaCon 2021: Studios & Exhibition Convene To Sort Out An Industry Teetering On Edge Of Survival (from Deadline)
コロナで映画館も大変な状況です。生き残れるかどうかの teetering にあります。
Danielle was teetering around in five-inch heels.
Three of the hotels are in receivership, and others are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.
receivership は管財人による管理にある、という意味。他のホテルも 倒産の teetering にある。
The city is teetering on the brink/edge of (= dangerously close to) a financial calamity.
to appear to be about to fall while moving or standing:
Teeter is used in expressions such as teeter on the brink and teeter on the edge to emphasize that something seems to be in a very unstable situation or position.
to move unsteadily.
teeter 瀬戸際にいる
8か月前の単語は effigy 張りぼて