今日の単語 clout
C 0件のコメントclout
1.今日の単語は clout です。clot (かさぶた)に似ていますが、意味を見てみましょう。
Joining SCO allows Iran to increase its political clout, Iranian expert thinks – TEHRAN, September 14. /TASS/. Joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) should increase Tehran’s political authority and influence, according to academic council member at the Institute for Iran-Eurasia Studies Hassan Beheshtipour in a conversation with a TASS correspondent on Tuesday. (from TASS)
イランがSCOに加入すると政治的な clout が強くなる?
Automated document management system tools transform workflows – E-signature platforms strengthen document management’s clout – Companies in the throes of digital transformation find the e-signature process to be a major catalyst in automating their document management systems and smoothing workflows. (from Tech Target)
書類管理と業務の効率化のカギとなるのは E-Signature のようですね。
California recall vote offers test of Biden political clout – With less than a week to spare, the White House is diving into the California gubernatorial recall election, coming to Newsom’s aid with visits from Vice President Kamala Harris and then Biden himself to try to alleviate lingering concerns about Democratic turnout in the unusual September vote. (from smdp)
バイデン大統領の政治的 clout が試される。
The Queen may have privilege but she has no real political clout.
女王には各種特権がありますが、政治的な clout はありません。
The small firms banded together so they would have more clout in Washington.
中小企業が団結して、ワシントンでもっと大きな clout を得ようとする。
The two firms wield enormous clout in financial markets.
その2つの企業は金融市場に対して大きな clout を持っている。
power and influence over other people or events:
Informal. pull; strong influence; muscle, especially political power:
A person or institution that has clout has influence and power.
clout 権力、影響力
6か月前の単語は redress 是正