今日の単語 Spurious
S 0件のコメントSpurious
【音節】spu・ri・ous 【発音記号】spjˈʊ(ə)riəs
1.今日の単語 spurious の意味をまずは想像してしましょう。
Monera (Madhya Pradesh) [India], January 14 (ANI): Four more people have died in Morena spurious liquor tragedy taking the death toll to 24.
The fatalities have risen in the Madhya Pradesh district since Monday when the first reports came of people having taken spurious liquor. (BW BUSINESSWORLD より)
Madagascar: Authorities must immediately and unconditionally drop spurious charges against environmental human rights defender and allow him to do his work without fear of intimidation or reprisals, Amnesty International said today. (Amnesty Internationalより)
2. 次に英英辞典をのぞいてみましょう。
false and not what it appears to be
(of reasons or judgements) based on something which has not been correctly understood, and therefore false
based on false reasoning or information that is not true, and therefore not to be trusted
3. 英和辞典にある表現を見てみます。
4. 類義語を確認してみましょう。なかなか悪い意味ですが、どのようなケースで使ってよいかはやはり例文をたくさん読んだほうがよさそうです。
bogus (いんちきの), phony(にせの、いんちきの), pseudo(えせ), false, specious (もっともらしく見える、見せかけの)
a spurious work of art 偽の芸術作品。
being false or spurious. 本物に似せてある。
They made spurious claims of personal injury. 彼らは人身傷害の虚偽申請をした。
After receiving a low appraisal on my diamond ring, I realized the suspicious-looking jeweler had sold me a spurious jewel. ダイヤの指輪に低い査定を受けてから、あの怪しい宝石商にまがい物を売りつけられたと気が付いた。
Despite the spurious statement the suspect made about his whereabouts on the night of the murder, the police had to release him because of a lack of evidence. 殺人当夜のアリバイについての供述は怪しかったにもかかわらず、証拠不十分で警察は容疑者を釈放せざるを得なかった。
1週間前にとりあげた単語は extolでした
今日の単語 Extol – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)