今日の単語 Emancipate
E 0件のコメントEmancipate
【音節】e・man・ci・pate 【発音記号】ɪmˈænsəpèɪt
1.emancipate の意味をまず文脈から想像してみましょう。
まずは少し長いですが、女優のドリューバリモアさんについて書かれた記事の一部です。emancipate が動詞と名詞の両方で登場します。
In a 2015 interview with The Guardian, producer and director Drew Barrymore revealed that at 13 years of age, her mother had her committed to a mental institution. But make no mistake — she doesn’t blame her mom for doing so.
“I realized, honestly, yeah, my mom locked me up in an institution. Boo hoo! But it did give an amazing discipline. It was like serious recruitment training and boot camp, and it was horrible and dark and very long-lived, a year and a half, but I needed it,” Barrymore dished about the experience.
Shortly after being released, she opted to emancipate herself. But she did so at the advice of the institution. According to Barrymore, the clinicians at the institution thought she would be better off striking out on her own. And her mother was supportive of it as well. “On the day of my hearing, my mother was there in full support of my emancipation, which would mean me living on my own. I felt so sad, but too much had happened,” the actress wrote in her memoir, Wildflower (via The Guardian).
(Nicki Swift, The Real Reason Drew Barrymore Got emancipated at 14. より)
to free a person from another person’s control
to give people political or social freedom or rights
3. 英和辞典の説明を確認します
emancipate oneself altogether/ completely/ totally/ wholly, from something
attain/ gain/ win emancipation
5. 例文を追加しておきましょう
Abraham Lincoln emancipated African-Americans from slavery. リンカーンは黒人を奴隷状態から解放した。
She is very emancipated in her views. 彼女は考え方が全く自由だ。
Diversification enabled the company to emancipate itself from dependence on a single market. 多角化を図ることでその企業は単一市場依存から脱却できた。
There are still many women who fight hard to attain emancipation. 解放を求めて戦う女性はまだ大勢いる。
The extent of women’s emancipation is sometimes taken as an index of the social and political level of a society. 女性の解放がどの程度行われているかは、時に社会の社会的政治的レベルの指標ととらえられることがある。
1週間前に勉強した単語はcensure でした
今日の単語 Censure – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)