今日の単語 rescind

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1.今日は rescind を学びます。re がついているので、「戻す」「なかったことにする」などのニュアンスがあると推測できますね。では例文を探してみましょう。

The San Francisco school board on Tuesday voted unanimously to rescind its controversial approval of a renaming process that fueled anger, litigation and even a recall campaign. (from San Francisco Examiner)

President Joe Biden should rescind a dangerous and unconstitutional Executive Order issued by President Trump that continues to threaten internet users’ ability to obtain accurate and truthful information online, six organizations wrote in a letter sent to the president on Wednesday. (from Electronic Frontier Foundation)


to make a law, agreement, order, or decision no longer have any legal power

to officially end a law, take back a decision, or say that an agreement no longer exists






abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, dismantle, invalidate, lift, overturn, quash, renege, repeal, retract, reverse, revoke, set aside, void, etc.


The labor union demanded that the company rescind its decision to dismiss several members.

Mask mandate will not be rescinded in Phoenix - Officials with the City of Phoenix say the city’s mask mandate, which was implemented in June 2020, will remain in place, despite Gov. Ducey’s executive order that requires locale entities to rescind such rules. Meanwhile, mask-related conflicts are still taking place in the city. FOX 10’s Matt Galka reports. (from FOX 10 News)

Onondaga County rescinds energy tax, saving households about $6 a month (from syracuse.com)


rescind 撤回する、取り消す


昨日の単語は 今日の単語 Thwart

1か月前の単語は stifle https//himekurieitango/stifle  



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