今日の単語 redeem
R 0件のコメントredeem
1.redeem が登場するニュース記事を一部のぞいてみましょう。
Olin to redeem debt – Olin says it has notified holders of $185 million in senior bonds due 2025 that the company plans to redeem these bonds, at a redemption price representing 105% of the principal on the bonds, on 14 May 2021. This represents an aggregate premium to bondholders of about $9.3 million, Olin says. The redemption will be funded by about $195 million in cash generated from operations. “The $185 million redemption of the high-cost bonds reflects our strategy to utilize excess cash flow to lower our debt levels,” says Olin CEO Scott Sutton. “We expect that the redemption will reduce annual interest expense by approximately $19 million.” (from Chemical Week)
How to send and redeem a referral code in Pokémon Go – The referral program is live worldwide in Pokémon Go, meaning players can invite friends to download the app and get rewards for doing so. (from Dot Esports)
2. 英英辞典の意味を見てみましょう。
to get something back
to make someone or something seem less bad
to carry out a promise or pay back a debt
to free people from sin
- 〔抵当に入れた財産を〕買い戻す、質請けする、請け出す
- 〔ローンを〕完済する、〔債務などを〕償還[弁済・清算]する
- 〔紙幣を〕正貨と引き換える、換金する
- 〔商品券などを〕商品と引き換える
- 〔義務・約束を〕果たす、履行する
- 〔自分の失敗・欠点などを〕補う、埋め合わせる
- 〔名誉などを〕回復する、取り戻す、取り返す、修復する
- 〔神が人を〕罪から救う、〔神が人の〕罪を贖う
- 〔身代金を払って~を〕救い出す、身請けする、解放する
- 〔名誉を〕挽回する
- 〔権利を〕回復する
- 〔土地を〕埋め立てる
pay off, reclaim
recoup, regain
repay, restore
win back
Tips for careless husbands: Forget your wife’s birthday? Then redeem yourself by bringing her a bouquet of flowers.
奥さんの誕生日を忘れて、花束で名誉挽回。(できるといいですね)redeem oneself で名誉挽回。
A poor game was redeemed in the second half by an outstanding performance from Anthony Baton.
She took me to see a really boring film, the only redeeming feature of which was the soundtrack.
redeem 取り返す、巻き返す、挽回する、償還する