今日の単語 profusely
P 0件のコメントprofusely
1.今日の単語は profusely. ありがちな副詞にかえて使ってみると状況がより鮮明に表現できそうです。ニュースに例文があるか見てみましょう。
Good Samaritans: Tampines MRT station staff help pregnant woman who was bleeding profusely – SINGAPORE – Ms Siti Rohaniza Muhammad was at Tampines MRT station on March 13 when blood gushed down her legs. (from the Straits Times)
To the untrained observer, it doesn’t look like much: I am a skinny 31-year-old male in my apartment bedroom, sweating profusely in spandex bib shorts atop half a bicycle. I’ve swapped the bike’s rear wheel for a smart trainer that tracks my cadence, power output, and speed. It’s classic COVID-era indoor exercise in the same vein as a Peloton bike or Zwift. But instead of alive feed of a cycling class or a videogame racecourse, I’m staring at a series of blue lumps graphed on my desktop computer screen. (from Outside)
I have another type of C. Myrtle that bloomed profusely all summer, was cut back at the same time, and are still blooming and putting out new growth. What could be the cause or cure of the non-blooming bushes? Thanks in advance for your advice. (from the Fayetteville Observer)
in large amounts
with a large amount of something
to a great or excessive extent; abundantly, or extravagantly
apologize profusely 平謝りする
thank profusely 何度もお礼を言う
bleed profusely 大量出血する
sweat profusely 大汗をかく、滝のように汗をかく
bloom profusely 咲き乱れる
grow profusely 盛んに育つ
Preview: Tensura Nikki: Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 3 – As always, Gobta soon starts slacking off and calls it meditation. Even in this anime, everyone is terrified of Shion’s cooking. The episode ends as Rimuru profusely apologizes to Treyni for not inviting her to farm with the rest. Episode 3 might depict the summer life in Tempest. It might turn out to be the hottest summer in recent years. Benimaru and Gabiru might have an eating contest. Shion, Ranga, and Shuna might compete with each other for more time with Rimuru. (from the Cinemaholic)
Indian army douses raging forest fire in Arunachal Pradesh – The troops battled the the flames for more than 12 hours and managed to extinguish the inferno. The relieved villagers thanked the soldiers profusely for their timely assistance and saving life and property. (from India Blooms)
profusely 盛んに、ひたすら