今日の単語 Penitent
P 0件のコメントpenitent
1.今日の単語は penitent です。英語って本当に似たような単語がたくさんありますよね。。。まずは例文をみてみましょう。
In video message, Pope Francis tells Iraq he will be visiting as a ‘penitent’ and a ‘pilgrim of peace’ (from America Jesuit Review)
The accused became penitent and contrite when he saw what his flagrant conduct had done to the family.
showing that you are sorry for what you have done because you feel it was wrong
a person who is performing a formal religious act to show that they are sorry for something they have done wrong
feeling or expressing sorrow for sin or wrongdoing and disposed to atonement and amendment; repentant; contrite
3. 日本語でもみておきたいですね。
4. もともとはカトリックの言葉のようですが、普段はどのような使われ方をするのかみてみましょう。
penitent expression 後悔している表情
penitent eyes 後悔のまなざし
in a penitent tone 後悔した口調で
“I’m sorry. ” She said in a penitent smile. ごめんなさい、と申し訳なさそうな笑みをうかべた。
It was hard to be angry with him when he looked so penitent. 彼があまりに後悔した面持ちだったので、怒る気に慣れなかった。
5. 宗教関連のニュースがとても多く驚きましたが、、、ネットのニュースから例文を追加しておきます。
Early on in his revolting, contradictory, redundant and transparently faux-penitent memoir, “Disloyal” Michael Cohen, the disgraced former attorney to Donald Trump, explains why he went to work for the man he’d invaiably address as Boss. “I was already wealthy….so it wasn’t the pay that most interested me,” Cohen writes. ” The attraction was the action: the game, the deals, the thrill of the chase.” (from Washington Post)
Under Italy’s lockdown regulations and according the advice of the Italian bishops’ conference, Giovanelli said that when a parishioner comes for confession, he takes him or her into the sacristy. Wearing a mask, as prescribed by the bishops’ conference, Giovanelli stands in one corner of the room and the penitent stands in the corner diagonally opposite. (from CRUX)
昨日の単語は redress
今日の単語 Redress – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)
1週間前の単語は rampant
今日の単語 Rampant – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)