今日の単語 palpable
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1.今日の単語は palpable どんな意味か、例文から予想してみましょう。
Palpable joy in the air in Manchester as pubs and restaurants finally reopen – Whether your order’s a pint of Carling or a fancy cocktail, today is a day of celebration across the region. It has been a long, long road to reopening in Greater Manchester. Our region has been under restrictions for far longer than most, but today, along with the rest of England, the doors to pubs and restaurants were finally thrown open again. (from Manchester Evening News)
‘India has some of the finest doctors, but there is a palpable lack of leadership’, says Glasgow doctor. (from 4 News)
Quality assurance efforts are a catalyst for change – As a sea of graduates, dressed in blue, paraded under a hot sun in a courtyard at the University of Makeni, Sierra Leone, anticipation, relief and excitement were palpable on every face. On their graduation day, 20 March, everyone was ready to celebrate the culmination of four years’ hard work. (from University World News)
なかなか良い単語だなって感じます。obvious とはニュアンスが違いますね。
The tension in the room was palpable during the exam.
There is an almost palpable feeling of hopelessness.
so obvious that it can easily been seen or known, or (of a feeling) so strong that it seems as if it can be touched or physically felt.
you describe something as palpable when it is obvious or intense and easily noticed.
readily or plainly seen, heard, perceived, etc. obvious, evident
palpable 目に見える、容易にわかる