今日の単語 painstaking
P 0件のコメントpainstaking
1.今日は painstaking 見たままの意味ではありますが、どんな場面で使われているか例文を見てみましょう。
London View | 20 Years of Painstaking Efforts in Afghanistan Undone in a Snap -(from News 18)
20年の painstaking な努力は一瞬で水の泡。。。
Very rare Aston Martin being unveiled today after painstaking restoration (from Coventry Live)
超レアなアストンマーチンが painstaking な修復を経て今日お目見え!
Deciphering the symptoms of long COVID-19 is slow and painstaking – My first patient that day was a woman in her early 40s, an avid marathon runner who had contracted COVID-19 in March 2020. Now, 13 months later, she noted that she still felt fatigued and short of breath. She also noticed her heart was racing whenever she walked around. She reported having daily headaches, numbness and tingling in her legs, and difficulty with memory, which had affected her work. This woman was coming in to see me, a neurologist specializing in infectious diseases, for symptoms that we physicians now all-too-commonly know as long, or long-haul, COVID-19. (from Nevada Current)
コロナの後遺症。解読するまで時間もかかり、painstaking でしょう。
It took months of painstaking research to write the book.
一冊の本を書くには painstaking な調査が必要です。
Forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.
法医学者は painstaking な調査を破片に対して行った。
extremely careful and correct, and involving a lot of effort:
(esp. of work) very careful and needing a lot of attention:
A painstaking search, examination, or investigation is done extremely carefully and thoroughly.
painstaking 骨の折れる、綿密な
exonerate 潔白を証明する