今日の単語 mainstay
M 0件のコメントmainstay
1.今日の単語は mainstay. main と stay ですが、意外と予想しづらいかもですね。
Thames River Heritage Park, taxis, become a summer mainstay – In addition, this summer the park for the first time − thanks to a grant from Veolia Water − partnered with the New London Recreation Department to bring some 100 city children on the water taxis. As the children toured the harbor by boat, they also learned about the region’s history and heritage. (from the Day)
コロナで行けるところが限られています。水上タクシーが mainstay となりました。
Toyota Releases 1st SUV Model of Corolla Series in Japan – Tokyo, Sept. 14 (Jiji Press)–Toyota Motor Corp. launched the first SUV model of its mainstay Corolla passenger vehicle series in Japan on Tuesday. The Corolla Cross features wide rear seats and a luggage space of 487 liters, one of the largest among vehicles of similar size, including those of other automakers. (from Jiji Press)
カローラシリーズはトヨタにとっての mainstay
VOLUNTEERS ARE THE MAINSTAY OF THE BEACON – The Beacon, a local helping agency, depends on volunteers. The Beacon organization was established in 1985 to serve Bourbon County residents in need. Volunteer donations of services and talents are what it takes to make the Beacon a more attractive and inviting place for clients and the community, according to Carol MacArthur, chairwoman of the Beacon board. (from Fort Scott Bizz)
オリンピックもそうでしたが、ボランティアの皆さんが何かの mainstay ということはよくありますよね。
In the early 1900s, farming was the mainstay of the national economy.
農業が国家財政の mainstay でした。
The white blouse will be the mainstay of your wardrobe this summer.
白いブラウスがこの夏の着回しの mainstay
This principle of collective bargaining has been a mainstay in labor relations in this country.
団体交渉がずっと 労使関係の mainstay となってきました。
the most important part of something, providing support for everything else:
If you describe something as the mainstay of a particular thing, you mean that it is the most basic part of it.
mainstay 頼みの綱、大黒柱
3カ月前の単語は behoove