今日の単語 irate
I 0件のコメントirate
1.今日の単語は irate です。
France irate over submarine deal – PARIS — France’s foreign minister Saturday denounced what he called the “duplicity, disdain and lies” surrounding the sudden rupture of France’s lucrative contract to make submarines for Australia in favor of a U.S. deal, and declared that a crisis is at hand among the Western allies. (from Arkansas Democrat Gazette)
今週のニュースですね。潜水艦の共同プロジェクトだったはずが、、、フランスは exasperated (昨日の単語)でした。ということは、同じ意味。
Anthony Blinken tells irate lawmakers that US had prepared for worst-case scenarios in Afghanistan – Republican lawmakers, seeing a vulnerability for Biden, have portrayed the pullout as chaotic and accused the president of abandoning Americans to the fate of the Taliban. (from First Post)
Customer irate over new vax card berates Kelowna restaurant staff – All the customers at Kelly O’Bryans’ restaurant in downtown Kelowna were okay Monday with the new requirement to produce their COVID-19 vaccine card or inoculation papers. Until 1:50 p.m. That’s when a lady in white sweater showed up. She began yelling at manager Toby Nicholson that he was violating her human and Canadian rights by asking to see the card. She ignored his polite requests to leave the doorway so other customers could come and go. (from The Daily Courier)
berate はがみがみ言うこと。このようなケースは日本でも今後あるかもしれませんね。
We have received some irate phone calls from customers.
The owner was so irate he almost threw the customer out of the place.
2.意味は昨日の exasperated と同じでしたね。短いので使いやすいかもしれません。発音に注意。英英辞典と英和辞典の意味を確認しておきましょう。
very angry
irate 激怒した
7か月前の単語は sporadic 散在する