今日の単語 exasperated

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1.今日の単語は exasperated です。exa・・・なんとか、っていう単語があまりに多いですが、知っておくとレベルがあがりそうな単語です。

Exasperated Raikkonen: “Why do I have to answer this?” Kimi Raikkonen has had to miss the past two Formula One weekends due to a positive corona test. This happened shortly after he announced his impending departure from the sport. One thing he won’t be sorry about: all those questions he would be bombarded with. (from General News)


Exasperated Biden shifts from carrot to stick – “What more is there to wait for? What more do you need to see?” an exasperated Joe Biden asked the unvaccinated on Thursday. “We’ve made vaccinations free, safe, and convenient. The vaccine has FDA approval. Over 200 million Americans have gotten at least one shot.” (from Center Square)

carrot and stick は飴と鞭。carrot から stick に持ち替えるほど、バイデン大統領は exasperated のようです。

Bertha was exasperated at the delay.

遅れに exasperated でした

In the final moments of a wild debate, the exasperated moderator tried to regain control of the conversation.

議論の収拾がつかなくなるほど白熱し、exasperated になった司会者は場をまとめようとしました。


annoyed, especially because you can do nothing to solve a problem:

feeling or expressing extreme annoyance or irritation:

If you describe a person as exasperated, you mean that they are frustrated or angry because of something that is happening or something that another person is doing.




exasperated 憤慨して



enthrall 夢中にさせる https://himekurieitango/enthrall


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