今週の復習 6つの単語
Summary 0件のコメント今週はこの6つの単語を学習しました。パッと見て意味が浮かぶでしょうか。今週のことなのでまだ浮かびますね。問題は1週間後、1か月後にも同じ感じで浮かぶかどうかですね。。。
Joe is such an ingenious person and talented in so many things from math, literature, science, technologies and so on. He actually warned the world that there was an imminent threat of a new virus two year before the pandemic happened. He extrapolated the possibility from a myriad of studies upon virus before bringing it to the public. However, at that time, his announcement was regarded spurious by some people though it has turned out to be right. Those who criticized Joe might have been rather ingenuous though, it seems also important for us to emancipate ourselves from biased ideas or being judgmental too soon.
今日の単語は 2つ Ingenious と Ingenuous – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)
今日の単語 Emancipate – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)
今日の単語 Spurious – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)
今日の単語 Extrapolate – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)
今日の単語 Imminent – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)