今日の単語 germinate
G 0件のコメントgerminate
1.今日はちょっとだけ心がパッと明るくなるような単語、germinate です。germ から想像できるかもしれません。まずは、ネットから例文を読んで、そのあと英英辞典と英和辞典の意味を確認します。
Seeds of a 142-year-old science experiment germinate – Weber and her colleagues are the latest custodians of the Beal seed viability experiment: a multi-century attempt to figure out how long seeds can lie dormant in the soil without losing their ability to germinate. Every 20 years, the experiment’s caretakers creep out to a secret location under cover of night, dig up a bottle, scatter its seeds over a tray of sterile soil and see which ones grow. (from DT Next)
長期間コツコツと実験と観察を続ける人たち。尊敬します。休眠状態で保存されていた種が germinate するかを調べているんですね。
How to Germinate Old Cannabis Seeds – Germinating old cannabis seeds – whatever the reason might be, be it that you’ve forgotten about a few seeds you had lying around or you simply didn’t have time to plant the seeds when they were in their prime – is something many of us have had to do. Whatever the reason might be, it can be reassuring to know that old cannabis seeds aren’t necessarily write offs. Old seeds can germinate! However, you’ll need to follow the right steps to have the best results with them; old cannabis seeds won’t be quite as easy to germinate as their younger counterparts, after all. Keep in mind that if you are serious about growing, it is always advisable to buy fresh seeds from a reputed seed bank. (from Marijuana Times)
なんだかすごいサイトにあたってしまいましたが、、、合法の国も多くなったようで、このようなニーズがあるのでしょう。まあ、植物の種類はいいとして、germinate の意味はよくわかる例文ですね。
The beans will only germinate when the temperature is warm enough.
In Conversation with Sthitiprajna Debadutta Kar – Question: How do you source ideas for your writings? Answer: Ideas are sourced from events happenings around you. A small event somewhere can ignite an idea. You need to have a receptive, open mind to realize what stirs you beyond the mundane. Ideas also germinate from what you read. The more you read and the variety of literature you read goes a long way in the formation and development of an idea. I am no different, I also get ideas from the above-mentioned sources. (from Interview Times)
ある作家さんへのインタビューです。アイデアをどこから得るのか?という質問へのこたえですね。作家さんだけあって、答えの文章もリズムがあって読みやすく感じます。idea が germinate するっていいですね。
I felt an idea germinating in my mind.
to (cause a seed to) start growing
to begin grow or develop
if a seed germinates, or if it is germinated, it starts to grow
to start developping
if an idea, plan or feeling germinates, it comes into existence and begins to develop
germinate 発芽する、ひらめく