今日の単語 Extrapolate
E 0件のコメントExtrapolate
【音節】ex・trap・o・late 【発音記号】ɪkstrˈæpəlèɪt
1.ex で始まる単語は本当にたくさんありますね。まずは例文から意味を想像してみましょう。
BOSTON (CBS) – Moderna is looking for help testing its COVID-19 vaccine on children. : They’re hoping to enroll children from diverse communities, especially those that have been affected the greatest by COVID-19. “It’s also important because we can’t just extrapolate data from adults to kids,” said UMass Dr. Katherine Luzuriaga. “Kids often respond to vaccines a little bit differently than adults so this particular trial has been designed and will be implemented to answer the question of whether it can be used safely and effectively in teenagers.” (from CBC Boston)
A Study of Contractor Consistency in Reviewing Extrapolated Overpayments: For background purposes, extrapolation, as it is used in statistics, is a “statistical technique aimed at inferring the unknown from the known. It attempts to predict future data by relying on historical data, such as estimating the size of a population a few years in the future on the basis of the current population size and its rate of growth,” according to a definition created by Eurostat, a component of the European Union. For our purposes, extrapolation is used to estimate what the actual overpayment amount might likely be for a population of claims, based on auditing a smaller sample of that population. (from RAC Monitor)
2. 英英辞典ですっきりしてみましょう。
to guess or think about what might happen using information that is already known
to use existing information to discover what is likely to happen or to be true in the future
4.from, onとよく合わせて使われます
Extrapolating from these figures, experts calcurate that over the next 30 years 100 Swedes will die of Chernobyl-linked cancer. これらの数字から推定して、専門家たちは向こう30年間で100人のスウェーデン人がチェルノブイリ関連のがんで死亡するものと計算している。
It can be extrapolated on the basis of data in hand. 手元のデータに基づいて推定できる。
Speaking about global warming, she said that time periods of 15 or even 30 years are too brief to extrapolate changes in climate patterns. 温暖化について言えば、15年、あるいは30年であっても気候変化を推定するには短すぎる。
5. 最後に類義語を見ておきましょう。
deduce, hypothesize, anticipate, assume 等
1週間前にとりあげた単語は compatible でした
今日の単語 Compatible – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)