今日の単語 Exonerate
E 0件のコメントExonerate
【音節】ex・on・er・ate 【発音記号】ɪgzάnərèɪt
The commission appointed to investigate the political scandal eventually exonerated the prime minister of any responsibility in the affair.
Montreal man exonerated of all charges related to attempted murder of police officer. (from Washington Post)
2. 次に英英辞典の意味をみてみます
to show or state that someone or something is not guilty of something
to clear, as of an accusation, free from guilt or blame
3. 英和辞典の説明を確認しておきます
4.Collocation も合わせてみておきましょう
to completely/ entirely exonerated from blame 完全に責任を免れる
The court exonerates you completely from blame 法廷はあなたには全く責任がないと宣言します
be justly exonerated from something ~を正当に免れる
be publicly exonerated 公に免れる
exonerate someone from responsibility for an accident 事故に対する責任を免除する
As a result of the official inquiry, the captain was exonerated from all blame for the accident. 公式審議の結果、船長にはその事故の責任は全くないということになった。
He was exonerated of any wrongdoing. 彼はどんな悪事もしていないということになった。
The Police officer was exonerated by a grand jury, but the protests continue.
The report exonerated all the crew from all responsibility of the collision.
昨日の単語は equivocal
今日の単語 Equivocal – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)
1週間前の単語は qualm
今日の単語 Qualm – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)