今日の単語 Equivocal
E 0件のコメントEquivocal
【音節】e・quiv・o・cal 【発音記号】ɪkwívək(ə)l
In the UK, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency has similarly warned that “temperature screening products, some of which make direct claims to screen for COVID-19, are not a reliable way to detect if people have the virus. ” The Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health also noted years ago that “the accuracy of infrared skin thermometers is equivocal and requires more research.” (from Brumpost)
His words to the press was deliberately equivocal. He didn’t deny the reports, but neither did he confirm them.
2. 英英辞典にある説明を確認してみましょう
Allowing the possibility of several meanings, as a word or phrase, especially with intent to deceive or misguide, susceptible of double interpretation, deliberately ambiguous
Not clear and seeming to have two opposing meanings, or confusing and able to be understood in two different ways
3. 英和辞典には何と書いてあるでしょうか
4. 類義語を見てみましょう
ambiguous, dubious, evasive, muddled, puzzling, unclear, ambivalent, vague, etc.
5. 例文をもう少しインプットしてみましょう。Collocation とともに..
the inherently equivocal relationship between self and society 自己と社会の本質的にあいまいな関係
He was equivocal about his intentions. 彼は自分の意図をあいまいにしておいた
名詞は equivocation あいまいな言葉、ごまかし
She proved it beyond all equivocation. あいまいなところが全くないかたちで彼女はそれを証明した
Don’t indulge in equivocation. ごまかしてばかりではだめだぞ
昨日の単語は Incumbent
今日の単語 Incumbent – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)
1週間前の単語は erratic
今日の単語 Erratic – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)