今日の単語 ensuing
E 0件のコメントensuing
1.今日の単語 ensuing は関連性が大事。では、ネットから例文を見てみます。
Biden says there’s no way US could have withdrawn from Afghanistan ‘without chaos ensuing‘ Biden on Wednesday continued to defend the US’ rapid exit from Afghanistan. He told ABC News there was no way the US could’ve left “without chaos ensuing.” The Taliban took over the Afghan capital on Sunday, triggering a government collapse. (from Insider)
アフガニスタンからの米軍撤退について様々な意見がありますが、大統領の言う通り 大混乱の ensuing なしで、って実際は難しそうです。
The power is out for more than 8K in the Lehigh Valley, Warren County – Tropical Depression Ida’s flooding took down trees and branches, and while the water has receded in some areas, thousands in the Lehigh Valley and Warren County are still dealing with the ensuing power outages. (from Lehighvalleylive.com)
熱帯低気圧によって洪水。洪水によって停電。まだ ensuing する模様。
Health Secretary advises Maha govt to impose local restrictions in view of ensuing festivals – Union Health and Family Welfare Secretary Rajesh Bhushan has written to Maharashtra Chief Secretary Sitaram Kunte advising the state government to consider imposing and enforcing local restrictions in view of the ensuing Dahi Handi and 10-day Ganesh festivals. (from News On Air)
お祭りがあるので、行動制限を厳しくしてはどうか。ここでの ensuing は coming の意味ですね。
An argument broke out and in the ensuing fight, a gun went off.
口論が殴り合いになって、発砲。consequent ともいえる。
He lost his job and in the ensuing months became more and more depressed.
職を失ってからの数か月、どんどん気持ちが滅入ってしまった。following months ですね。
2. 意味そのものは簡単ですが、関連性が強いですね。では、英英辞典と英和辞典の意味を確認しておきましょう。
happening after something and because of it
happening after or following something else
ensuing 続いて起きる
7か月前の単語は propensity https://himekurieitango/propensity 傾向