今日の単語 embellish
E 0件のコメントembellish
1.今日の単語は embellish です。単語から想像するイメージはなんでしょう。分解するとしたらどう分けますか。em/en + bell + sh そのあと例文から意味を予想してみましょう。bell は「美」ですね。
No need to embellish history – According to the National Museum of Australia, Indigenous people have occupied mainland Australia for at least 65,000 years, probably predating the human settlement of what is now Europe and the Americas. Increasingly sophisticated dating methods of the earliest archaeological sites are providing a more accurate understanding of our continent’s earliest human habitation. Australia’s long, proud Indigenous history requires no embellishment or editing. That is why anthropologist Peter Sutton and archaeologist Keryn Walshe have done Australians a favour with their new book, Farmers or Hunter-Gatherers? The Dark Emu Debate, released by Melbourne University Press. The scholars put the blowtorch to Bruce Pascoe’s controversial 2014 bestseller Dark Emu and found it badly wanting – poorly researched, exaggerated, ignoring widespread information that does not support the author’s opinions and containing a large number of factual errors, as columnist Henry Ergas wrote on Friday. (from the Australia)
A new wave of decorative panels to embellish your space – Sometimes a lick of paint just won’t do. Sometimes your home deserves something special. Created to meet all aesthetic needs, Technografica Italian Wallcoverings decorative panels are now in Malta for the first time, thanks to Domestica. These large-format panels are made of material with very low thickness. The latest graphic detection and printing technology allows for unprecedented graphic quality, as regards both the visual impact (realistic stone or mineral effect panels, such as marble, agate, onyx and others), and the supports used. (from Newsbook)
Model with 480,000 followers exposes how ‘fake!’ Instagram is. – This is not the first time a fit-fluencer has exposed the shady practice of digital deep-fakery. In 2018, personal training Sia Cooper showed how an app called Facetune allows even novice editors to embellish their body like they’re creating a character in a video game. (from New York Post)
世界中で embellish がされていますね。
The ceiling was embellished with flowers and leaves.
He couldn’t resist embellishing his story of the accident a little bit.
I launched into a parable, embellishing the story with invented dialogue and extra details.
launch a parable たとえ話をする、も興味深い表現ですね。
to make something more beautiful by adding something to it.
to add or change some details of a story, usually to make it more interesting or exciting
If something is embellished with decorative features or patterns, it has those features or patterns on it and they make it look more attractive.
If you embellish a story, you make it more interesting by adding details which may be untrue.
embellish 飾り立てる(今風に言えば)盛る