今日の単語 ascendant
A 0件のコメントascendant
1.今日は ascendant です。わかりそうでわからない。何かの単語に似ているような、似ていないような。。。
Asia Ascendant: The Richest New Chinese Billionaires In 2021 – The world’s second largest economy is leading the globe in creating ten-figure fortunes—more than 40% of newcomers to Forbes’ World’s Billionaires list hail from the Asian nation. (from Forbes)
多くのビリオネア、億万長者が生まれていますね。特に中国で。アジアの ascendant
Weekly astro-predictions based on ascendant signs | Feb 28 – March 6 - Confused about your sign? Read here to know more. There are three ways you can look at your weekly astro prediction. One is your moon sign, another your sun sign, and third is your ascendant sign. And if you are new to these concepts and ruminating which sign you should look at as your weekly prediction, then I recommend the ascendant sign. To make it simple for you, the ascendant sign is your rising sign in the birth chart, which reflects your physical world. When you read predictions according to the ascendant, it resonates more in real life. (from city spidey)
あなたの ascendant sign は? この単語を調べると多くの星座関係の記事がでてきました。
Coronavirus cases in Mallorca “clearly rising” 102 new cases are reported, says health ministry – The Balearic government’s chief coronavirus advisor, Marga Frontera, warned on Monday that cases were “clearly in the ascendant“. (From Majorca Daily Bulletin)
He is very much in the ascendant in Hollywood.
With his rivals in the ascendant, he soon lost his position.
どうやら in the ascendant で覚えたほうがよさそう。
increasingly powerful or successful
a position of dominance or controlling influence; possession of power, superiority or preeminence
Astrology. the point of the ecliptic or the sign and degree of the zodiac rising above the eastern horizon at the time of a birth or event: the cusp of the first house.
ascendant 優勢、優位