今日の単語 emaciated
E 0件のコメントemaciated
1.今日は emaciated という形容詞です。かわいそう、という気持ちになってしまう単語です。
Hacked Iranian Prison Footage Provides Limited Glimpse of Right of Abuses – The footage shows prison guards beating and mistreating inmates, attempted suicides without authorities intervening, and emaciated inmates being dragged by their arms and left in stairwells. (from Center for Human Rights in Iran)
DOVER (August 20, 2021) — Officers from the Division of Public Health’s Office of Animal Welfare (OAW) announced the arrest today of two Middletown women on charges of animal cruelty. The cats were transferred into the custody of Brandywine Valley SPCA, the state’s shelter provider, where they have been receiving care and treatment. Many cats have hair loss from severe flea dermatitis, several are emaciated, and some suffer from severe upper respiratory conditions. Despite their living conditions, the cats seem to be well socialized. Brandywine Valley SPCA is seeking adopters for the cats once they receive full evaluations and any necessary medical care. (from Delaware.gov.)
emaciated を検索すると、このような記事があまりにたくさん出てきてショックでした。動物たちがペットとして人気の半面、無責任な飼い主も多いという残念な事実。
North Koreans are worried about ‘emaciated’ leader Kim Jong-un, state media reports – The rare public comment on Kim’s health comes after foreign analysts noted that Kim appeared to have lost a noticeable amount of weight – Given Kim’s tight grip on power in North Korea international media, spy agencies and specialists closely watch his health. (from South China Morning Post)
Bessie’s emaciated appearance wasn’t the only pitiful aspect of her plight.
Very thin and weak, usually because of illness or extreme hunger
A person or animal that is emaciated is extremely thin and weak because of illness or lack of food.
emaciated やせ衰えた
4か月前の単語は meticulous https://himekurieitango/meticulous きわめて細かい