今日の単語 Ecstatic
E 0件のコメントEcstatic
【音節】ec・stat・ic 【発音記号】èkstˈæṭɪk
The people were ecstatic over the local team’s victory in the football tournament.
A young girl ‘ecstatic’ after chatting with Novak Djokovic while he stood on his quarantine balcony. (from perth now)
She is ecstatic about her new job.
2. 英英辞典の説明文を読んでみましょう
of, relating to or characterized by ecstacy or by or a state of sudden, intense, overpowering emotion
3. 英和辞典にある説明も見てみましょう
4. ただの happy ではなさそうです。 類義語を集めてみてもちょっと強い感じがしますね。
Crazy, delirious(錯乱した、興奮した、無我夢中の), elated (かなり嬉しい、大得意の), enthusiastic, euphoric(陶酔した、多幸感の), fervent(熱烈な、燃えさかる), joyful, joyous, etc.
Nicola Sturgeon has stressed she is “not ecstatic” about Boris Johnson visiting Scotland during a global pandemic – warning nobody should be travelling unless it is essential. (From The Herald)
Newlywed couple ecstatic to be pregnant with their first child are shattered by a devastating cancer diagnosis – as the frightening LACK of symptoms are revealed。(from Mail online)
ちょうど1週間前にとりあげた単語は emancipate です。覚えていますか。
今日の単語 Emancipate – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)