今日の単語 denote

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1.de がつくときのイメージと実際の意味がしっくりこないときがあるのは私だけでしょうか。。

As wildfires burn in Canada, an ‘unprecedented’ blanket of smoke hangs over Minnesota – The haze contains hundreds of pollutants, said Daniel Dix, a supervisor of the Minnesota Pollution and Control Agency’s air quality team. These can have severe health impacts, particularly among older adults, teenagers and children, and especially to those with conditions such as asthma. “These levels of particulates can be very irritating to the respiratory system, and they can also have impacts for people with heart disease as well,” said Jessie Schmool, an epidemiologist at the Minnesota Department of Health. And as the majority of the state enters into the air quality index’s red and purple categories, which denote unhealthy and very unhealthy levels respectively, between Saturday and Monday, state officials urge everyone — regardless of their age and health — to limit their air exposure. (from the Washington Post)

カナダの山火事による煙がアメリカにも。成分分析するとレベル赤とレベル紫に。赤と紫は unhealthy と very unhealthy と denote される。

Intel chief warns of two-year chip shortage – Intel has just announced its roadmap to 2025, as it moves toward ever smaller and more powerful chips. The firm intends to move away from naming its chip tech using nanometres – which used to denote the tiny spaces between transistors, but has largely become a marketing term in recent years. (from BBC)

ナノメートルという表現は使わないことにするそうです。ナノメートルとは tiny spaces between transistors を denote するために使われている。

A cookbook from Bengal chronicles an alternative history of women – The book features many simple recipes that can still be found in many Bengali homes—torkaris, chechkris, jhols and jhals sit comfortably throughout the 100-page book. Most of these recipes in the book are Bengali home-style dishes, possibly reflecting the kind of food that Indira Debi and Purnima Thakur ate on an everyday basis. However, since they were members of a cosmopolitan and influential family, it is not surprising to see dishes that extend beyond traditional Bengali cuisine. While there are jhols (a word typically used to denote dishes with light gravies) and jhals (a word used to describe dishes with spicy gravies), there are several vegetarian as well as meat dishes that Thakur refers to as ‘curry’, a term that is a departure from the Bengali culinary lexicon. (from Traveller)

ベンガルのお料理に関する記事です。軽いソースを使ったものが jhols で、スパイスを使ったソースの料理が jhals と。

The color red is used to denote passion or danger.


His angry tone denoted his extreme displeasure.

声が怒っていたなら、displeasure でしょうね。

There was a message waiting, denoting that someone had been here ahead of her.



to represent or mean something

if one thing denotes another, it is a sign or indication of it.

what a symbol denotes is what it represents






denote ~を意味する、~の印





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