今日の単語 conspicuous
C 0件のコメントconspicuous
1.今日の単語は conspicuous です。日本人は特に避けたいと思う、かな?例文をみてみましょう。
Tories branded ‘chicken’ over Boris Johnson’s no-show in Scotland – BORIS Johnson’s conspicuous absence in Scotland during the election campaign has led to his party being branded “chicken”. The Prime Minister has not stepped foot in Scotland since February, when he visited several vaccination sites and insisted “wild horses” wouldn’t keep him from returning. Douglas Ross has suggested the UK party leader’s no-show is due to coronavirus restrictions and a busy schedule. Opponents maintain it is because of his “toxic” reputation in Scotland. (from the Nation)
英国首相の行動について、conspicuous absence だったと。absence でも conspicuous となってしまう状況でした。
The Conspicuous Absence of Women in India’s Labour Force – Despite decades of independence, why do women still not have an adequate representation in India’s workforce? India’s rapid economic growth has been accompanied by falling fertility rates and higher educational attainment among women. These advances often lead to an increase in women entering the labour force, but there has been a surprising decline on this front in India. Less than 30% of working-age women are currently in work compared to nearly 80% of men in India. The conspicuous absence of women in India’s labour force is part of a wider issue the country is facing when it comes to jobs growth. But the fact that it is affecting women more than men is a worrying trend for India, which tends to rank poorly in UN rankings like the Gender Development Index and Gender Inequality Index, and has historically had low shares of women participating in the labour market. Plus, the number of women working has been gradually falling over the last 30 years. (from the New Leam)
もっと幅広い意味ではありますが、ここでも conspicuous absence ですね。
Charles Darwin and conspicuous consumption: Why bling is blingy- Luxury brands are a prominent feature of modern society. Thorstein Veblen coined the term “conspicuous consumption” to describe how the upper classes showcased expensive goods without inherent practical benefits to demonstrate their economic power. Evolutionary Psychologists combined these accounts with an analogy between men’s displays of luxury goods and the peacock’s tail feathers in their ultimate explanation for conspicuous consumption. Because they are costly, luxury goods are an honest signal of future paternal investment in offspring. Investment by fathers is known to promote offspring success. The greater a man’s economic power, the more attractive he is to women. (from Phys Org)
Please wear something conspicuous so that I can easily pick out in the crowd.
In China, her blond hair was conspicuous.
He was conspicuous as usual with a big yellow bow tie.
大きな黄色の蝶ネクタイ、たしかに conspicuous ですね。
very noticeable, or attracting attention, often in a way that is not wanted
easily noticed, obvious
apparent, discernible, distinct, evident, noticeable, visible, etc.
conspicuous 目立つ