今日の単語 connote
C 0件のコメントconnote
1.昨日は denote で、今日は connote セットで覚えたい。
Grandkids won’t thank us for flawed Treasury advice – That the eligibility criteria for firms to qualify for JobKeeper were so poorly drafted and weakly enforced meant the deadweight loss (a term economists use to connote waste) of the scheme was exceptionally high. (from the Australian)
経済の話の一部抜粋なので意味はわかりにくいですが、deadweight loss というのは経済学者が waste を connote するのに使う用語、とのこと。
Study: COVID Infections, Deaths Increase When Eviction Moratoriums End – The expiration of eviction moratoriums can lead to increased COVID infections in a number of ways, the study’s authors noted, citing previous research that said “evictions lead to doubling up, transiency, crowded housing, and entry into homeless shelters, each of which connote increased risk of exposure to COVID-19.” (from KQED)
コロナで家賃が払えなくなった人たちへの支払い猶予期間が終わると、コロナウィルスへ接するリスクが増えることが connote される。
The number 8 connotes prosperity in Chinese.
The term “organization” often connotes a sense of neatness.
organization という単語にはきちんとしたイメージが connote される。
2. 日本語だと同じような訳になってしまいそう。英英辞典と英和辞典の意味を確認してみましょう。
If a word, object or situation connotes something, it makes you think of a feeling or an idea that is more than its basic meanings.
to involve as a condition or accompaniment (eg. injury connotes pain)
to imply or involve as a result or accompaniment
connote 含意する、不随する
1週間前の単語は 今日の単語 transient 一時的な