今日の単語 bland
B 0件のコメントbland
今日の単語は bland です。 brand ではありません。まずは例文から。
Daily Harvest meal kit offers bland flavors at unreasonable costs – “Daily Harvest” is a vegan meal delivery service that provides healthy frozen meals made primarily of fruits and vegetables. The delicious-looking advertised photos and first-box coupon drew me to try it out. As convenient as the meals were to make, their consistently bland flavors stopped me from renewing my subscription. Daily Harvest allows the user to pick from around 100 plant-based menu items to create a box filled with a minimum of six items and a maximum of 26 items. After using my coupon, my box of nine meals totaled $37.91. I thought that was a fair price for the amount of food, and I was extremely impressed with their company’s packaging. My box arrived on time and it was lined with thick sheets of dry ice which kept my food completely frozen. In terms of shipping and delivery, Daily Harvest could not have done better. (from The Maneater)
‘Bland’ council house hides jaw-dropping paint job that’s taken 18 years to complete – A retired decorator has completely transformed the inside of his three-bedroom council house by covering the walls in incredible paintings inspired by the Sistine Chapel – From the outside, Robert Burns’ three-bedroom council house in Brighton, Sussex, doesn’t look like anything out of the ordinary. But the ‘bland’ brick exterior is hiding an incredible interior that will make your jaw drop when you see it. Robert, a retired decorator, moved into the terraced property in 2003 and has since spent more than a decade transforming his home. The 74-year-old has covered the walls in Renaissance paintings inspired by the Sistine Chapel and after 18 years of hard work, he’s finally finished after running out of space. (from The Mirror)
I find chicken a little bland.
Pop music these days is so bland.
It tasted bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.
not having a strong taste or character or not showing any interest or energy
If you describe someone or something as bland, you mean that they are rather dull and unexciting.
bland 味の薄い、つまらない
8か月前の単語は alacrity 迅速に https://himekureitango.alacrity