今日の単語 big boned
B 0件のコメントbig boned
- 太ってないけど、なんだか大きめに感じる?
- 正直うらやましい
- やっぱり基礎がしっかりしているって良くない?
having bones that are unusually massive
unusually と言われると、女性は微妙かもしれない。でも、やっぱり骨がしっかりしているって健康につながると思う。
If you are big-boned or tall, avoid small jewellery, belts and handbags.
IS BEING “BIG BONED” A MYTH? TIP OF THE WEEK – The idea that one is overweight because they’re “big boned” is a myth. Your bones are proportionate to your height. Your bone structure has no direct relation to how your body stores fat, fat storage is predisposed by your genetics. It amazes us how many people believe that they’re overweight/prone to storing fat because they are “bigger boned”… bigger boned isn’t a thing. Of course your body composition is predetermined by your skeletal structure, wider shoulders, rib cage, hips etc but your body fat mass ISN’T related to your bone structure. Additionally those of you that argue “but what about bone density?” Bone density makes a minimal difference to your overall BodyWeight. (Reference: School of Fitness, 29th July 2020)
半年前に学んだのは、demeanor 振る舞い https://himekurieitango.com/demeanor
big boned 骨太な