今日の単語 belie
B 0件のコメントbelie
1.今日の単語は belie です。be + lie と区切ると意味が想像しやすいかも。例文を見てみましょう。
Gaza Fighting: Hamas’ Successes Belie Israel’s Victory Speeches of the Past – After previous rounds over the past three years, the defense and political chiefs said Hamas and Islamic Jihad had been set back years. But now came the surprisingly strong rocket barrages on Tel Aviv. (from HAARETZ)
Bodies keep arriving at Kanpur crematoriums, belie official death count. – As coronavirus cases surge, the number of cremations taking place at the city’s crematoriums has increased several-fold. (from Business Standard)
Kanpur はインドのアッサム地方にある街のようです。政府発表の死亡者数と実際に火葬場に運ばれてくる方の人数が belie しています。
The Scary Connection Between Ultra-Processed Foods, Sugar, and Cancer, Doctor Reveals – Here’s exactly how the foods we eat are driving chronic disease. Whether you’re munching on salty snacks or sugary treats, it’s no news that any type of processed food isn’t great for your waistline—especially if you’re eating it in place of fresh fruits and vegetables or other healthy foods like legumes and nuts. However, what’s even more concerning is processed foods’ ability to wreak major havoc on your health later down the line. In Metabolical, which recently debuted in bookstores everywhere, Robert H. Lustig, MD, MDL, a pediatric neuroendocrinologist, exposes the many ugly truths of our current food system and modern medicine. He dives into the depths of eight pathologies within cells that belie all chronic disease, arguing that drugs aren’t an adequate solution for prevention or treatment. Instead, Lustig demonstrates how the food we eat is the real cure—and enemy—for non-communicable diseases. (from Eat This, Not That!)
Tajikistan’s excess mortality data belie COVID-19 denialism – Authorities have not made any attempt to explain the abnormally high number of deaths last year. More people died in Tajikistan in 2020 than at any time since – and possibly including – the years of the civil war in the 1990s. The authorities deny it had anything to do with coronavirus. According to an annual digest produced by the State Statistics Agency that has been obtained by Eurasianet, 41,743 people died in Tajikistan last year. That is 8,649 more than in 2019 and a 26 percent increase over the average number of deaths recorded annually between 2015 and 2019. (from Eurasianet)
Her calm face belied the terror she was feeling.
His gruff manner belied a gentle personality.
The facts of the situation belie his testimony.
証言と事実が belie なんだよ。
to show something to be false, or to hide something such as an emotion
to represent something falsely, or to hide something
if one thing belies another, it hides the true situation and so creates a false idea or image of someone or something
belie 矛盾する、事実を曲げて伝える