今日の単語 Animosity
A 0件のコメントAnimosity
1. animosity の意味をまずは想像してみましょう。例文をみると想像しやすいですね
The deep animosities that exist between certain ethnic and religious groups sometimes seem as if they will last forever.
The fact that China has been expanding its influence in the world while sharing its growth dividend with partner countries through projects under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has caused envy and animosity in some Western countries, which have been demonizing China and accusing the country of setting up “debt traps”. This has been an attempt to sow discord between China and its partners. (from the Global Times)
2. ネガティブな単語のようですね。では、英英辞典の説明を読んでみましょう。
strong dislike, opposition or anger
a feeling of strong dislike, ill will, or enmity that tends to display itself in action
3. 英和辞典には強い単語が並んでいます
4. 類義語をみてみましょう
hate, bad blood, enmity, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, ill will, malice, animus, acrimony, etc.
5. やはり人の憎しみや敵意は人生につきものなのでしょうか。。。animosity を形容する単語がたくさんありますので、紹介しておきたいと思います。collocation としてこれらの組み合わせが自然です。
Jealousy often arouses/causes/engenders animosity. Envy feeds animosity.(嫉妬心から敵意が生まれる)
display animosity (敵意をあらわにする)
exacerbate race animosity (民族的敵がい心を募らせる)
feel/have animosity towards/against someone (強い憎しみを抱く)
inflame/stir up animosity against… (敵対心、憎しみをあおる)
This animosity will die down/disappear (この敵意はやがて収まるだろう)
deep-seated rancorous/ relentless animosity(根深い憎悪)
smoldering animosity (うっせきした憎しみ)
animosity between classes (階級間の反目)
6. もう少し例文をみておきましょう
As I get older, I have noticed the troubles many of my friends have with their fathers: the animosities and disappointments, held so long in the arrears of late adolescence, suddenly coming up due on both ends. But my father and I, if anything, have gotten closer, even as I understand him less and less.— Tom Bissell, Harper’s, December 2004
The migrants in northwest Bosnia have faced growing animosity from local populations. (from New York Times)
Biden’s Cabinet picks may cause animosity on the left: Karl Rove (From Fox Business)
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