今日の単語 Alacrity
A 0件のコメントalacrity
1. 今日の単語 alacrity ネット上にある alacrity を使った文を見てみましょう。
Forget the old excuses of construction and traffic. Toronto needs to open Lake Shore to people – There was an obvious, and ample, opportunity: reclaim some of the space reserved for cars. Civic officials across Canada let go, at least a little, of their old fealty to the automobile, with the pandemic spurring them to move with an alacrity rarely seen from city halls and planning departments. Curbside patios replaced some on-street parking spots. Parklets were created by shutting down bits of road. A handful of streets were turned over to bikes and pedestrians. (from The Globe and Mail)
As the Biden administration deals with a surge of unaccompanied young migrants at the southern border, the Pentagon says it is looking a possible sites in Colorado and Texas to help alleviate the strain. “We’re evaluating, as you would expect we are, this request for assistance with a measure of alacrity here,” said Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby. (from republicworld.com)
2. ちょっと想像が難しいですね。英英辞典の説明を読んでみたいと思います。
speed and interest
speed and eagerness
cheerful readiness, promptness, or willingness
4. 類義語をみておきましょう
alertness, avidity, briskness, cheerfulness, dispatch, eagerness, enthusiasm, gaiety, hilarity, quickness, promptitude, readiness, speed, zeal, etc.
5. 知ってしまえば簡単な単語でしたね。例文をもう少し探してみます。
How women in India reclaimed the protest power of ripped jeans – A recently-elected Indian chief minister associated with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government sparked a swift and impassioned social media storm after he made a negative comment about a woman wearing ripped jeans on March 17. – But women across India responded in protest with alacrity and speed as they posted photos of themselves in ripped jeans on social media. (from Philippine Canadian Inquirer)
Susan was promoted to assistant manager because of her alacrity in taking on departmental problems.
He invited us all to visit , and we agreed with alacrity.
Immediately after this television programe the riot spread with alarming alacrity.
It helped to have a robust constitution, and to accept intense, unpredictable work demands with alacrity.
alacrity 迅速、意欲
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