今日の単語 admonish

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1.今日は admonish です。聞き覚えがあるような、ないような。ネットにあるニュースから例文を見て意味を予想してみましょう。

Effective communication tips for creating a fulfilling father-child relationship – Practice compassion- Oftentimes, fathers adhere to an image of being the disciplinarian, the parent whose duty is to admonish their children when they get in trouble. This leads to a communication gap and hampers the space for a healthy dialogue. Thus, it is important to listen to your child’ point of view instead of imposing your decisions on them. This will help you to reach an agreeable conclusion and help to sail smoothly through difficult issues together. (from Entertainment Times)


Black-owned media CEOs admonish GM, Mary Barra for ‘not doing enough to stop racism’ – DETROIT – The CEOs of several Black-owned media companies took out a full-page ad in a Detroit newspaper this weekend to admonish the Chairwoman of General Motors. (from FOX 2 Detroit)

人種差別問題に適切に対処していないとGMの会長を新聞の一面を使って admonish した。

Teenager admonished after golf club break-in –

A TEENAGER who was involved in stealing alcohol from two county premises has been admonished and warned about her future behaviour. Murran Hannah broke into Gullane Golf Club and the farm shop at Fenton Barns and made off with alcohol while in the company of Ryan Gillies, her partner at the time. (from East Lothian Courier)

盗みを働いてしまったティーンエイジャー。admonish and warn されました。

His mother admonished him for eating too quickly.

こんな軽めのことでも admonish が使えるとは。

Her teacher admonished her to work harder for her exams.


She admonished him gently, “You should rest, not talk so much.”.

admonish は優しくもできるとわかりました。


to tell someone that they have done something wrong

to advise someone to do something

to warn someone not to do something, usually in a kind way, or to tell someone to do something

if you admonish someone, you tell them very seriously that they have done something wrong

to reprove firmly but not harshly

to advise to do, or against doing something






admonish 諭す、忠告する


昨日は 今日の単語 tout でした



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