今日の単語 Acrimonious
A 0件のコメントAcrimonious
1. まずは例文を見て acrimonious の意味を想像してみましょう
(Bloomberg) — Google will start grading executives based on workforce diversity goals and increase human resources staffing, acknowledging fault in its acrimonious split with Timnit Gebru, a prominent former employee and one of the few Black women in the field of artificial intelligence.
After acrimonious campaign, uneasy Americans choose between Biden, Trump (from Business Today)
2. 次に英英辞典の説明を見てみましょう
full of anger, arguments, and bad feeling
angry and including strong accusations
involving a lot of anger and arguments
3. 英和辞典の解説はこのようになっています
4. 名詞は acrimony です。collocation と合わせて確認しましょう
There is still bitter/sharp acrimony among them. 彼らの間にはまだとげとげしさがある。
The breakdown in the negotiations resulted in considerable/great acrimony on both sides. 交渉が決裂し、双方とも辛辣な言葉を交わして終わった。
They ended their marriage with relatively little acrimony. 割と和やかに結婚を解消した。
5.acrimonious を使った例文を追加して読んでおきましょう
The highly anticipated interview comes amid an acrimonious row between Meghan and Harry on one side and the British monarchy on the other. (from RTE)
Results of an acrimonious U.S. election will be felt here in Canada (from CHCH)
After weeks of acrimony, Kamal Nath and Shivraj exchange flowers, smiles. (from the Week)
昨日の単語は rampant
今日の単語 Rampant – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)
1週間前の単語は huddle
今日の単語 Huddle – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)