今日の単語 pensive

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今日はちょっと難しめの単語かもしれません。pensive を見て、私はexpensive を思い出してしまいまいた。でもどうやら全然ちがいます。ラテン語系の言語を学んだことがあるかたにはちょっと有利かな。penser と関係ありそうな予感。

thinking in a quiet way, often with a serious expression on your face

“Pensive” is an adjective that describes a state of deep, serious, and often melancholy thought. When someone is described as pensive, they are usually absorbed in serious or reflective contemplation.




The word “pensive” comes from the Old French word “pensif”, which means “thoughtful” or “pondering.” This, in turn, is derived from the Latin verb “pensare”, meaning “to weigh” or “to consider.” The evolution of the term reflects its meaning related to thoughtful consideration.


“She sat by the window, lost in a pensive mood as she gazed at the rain falling outside.”


“During the quiet moments of the evening, he often became pensive, reflecting on the events of the day.”


“The artist’s latest painting has a pensive quality, capturing the depth of human emotion.”


pensive についてどう思いましたか。pensive は雰囲気のある単語だと私は感じました。まだまだ夏ですが、秋になったら使ってみたいと思いました。


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