今日の単語 heat rash

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毎日暑くて汗だく。heat rash は子供時代の思い出かと思っていたら、これだけ暑いと大人でも。heat rash は、あせも。薬局にはあせもの薬が何種類も売られていました。


  • Blocked Sweat Ducts: The primary cause is the blockage of sweat ducts, which traps sweat beneath the skin.
  • Hot and Humid Weather: It is more common in hot and humid environments where sweating is increased. 
  • Physical Activity: Activities that cause excessive sweating can also lead to heat rash. 
  • Tight Clothing: Wearing tight or non-breathable clothing can contribute to the development of heat rash.

sweat ducts は汗管ですので、blocked sweat ducts は汗管がふさがれた状態。高温多湿は日本の夏の代名詞。通気性の悪い衣服も夏にはNGですね。


  • Red Bumps or Blisters: The rash typically appears as small red bumps or blisters on the skin. 
  • Itching or Prickling Sensation: It may cause itching or a prickling sensation, which is why it’s sometimes called prickly heat. 
  • Localized Areas: Commonly affects areas where sweat tends to accumulate, such as the neck, shoulders, chest, back, and skin folds.

red bumps は赤いぶつぶつ。blisters は水ぶくれ。itching はかゆい、ですが prickling は聞きなれないですね。調べたら、チクチク、でした。あせもを別の呼び方で、prickly heat とも呼ぶということですね。

あせもだけでは物足りないと思いますので、さまざまな rash について少し深掘りしていきましょう。例を10個共有します。

1. Rash Judgment

  • Meaning: Making a quick decision without careful consideration.
  • Example: “Her rash judgment about the project led to unnecessary conflicts.”
  • 日本語訳: “彼女のプロジェクトについての軽率な判断が不必要な対立を引き起こした。

2. Rash Decision

  • Meaning: A decision made hastily without proper thought.
  • Example: “Quitting your job without having another one lined up is a rash decision.”
  • 日本語訳:次の仕事を見るける前に辞めるのは無謀な決断だ。

3. Rash Behavior

  • Meaning: Acting impulsively or without considering the consequences.
  • Example: “His rash behavior during the meeting upset many colleagues.”
  • 日本語訳:会議中の彼の軽率なふるまいは多くの同僚を動揺させた。

4. Skin Rash

  • Meaning: A general term for any kind of skin irritation or outbreak.
  • Example: “She developed a skin rash after using the new lotion.”
  • 日本語訳:彼女は初めて使ったローションで肌がかぶれてしまった。

5. Allergic Rash

  • Meaning: A rash caused by an allergic reaction.
  • Example: “He broke out in an allergic rash after eating shellfish.”
  • 日本語訳:彼は貝を食べたことでアレルギー性発疹がでた。

6. Heat Rash

  • Meaning: As explained earlier, a rash caused by blocked sweat ducts.
  • Example: “Wearing light, breathable clothing can help prevent heat rash in hot weather.”
  • 日本語訳:軽量で通気性の良い衣服を着ることで暑い日のあせもを防ぐことができる。

7. Diaper Rash

  • Meaning: A type of skin irritation that occurs in the diaper area of infants.
  • Example: “Applying a soothing cream helped to heal the baby’s diaper rash.”
  • 例: “鎮静クリームを塗ることで赤ちゃんのおむつかぶれが治った。

8. Stress Rash

  • Meaning: A rash that appears due to high levels of stress or anxiety.
  • Example: “During exam periods, she often gets a stress rash on her arms.”
  • 日本語訳:試験期間になると彼女はよくストレスから腕に発疹がでる。

9. Drug Rash

  • Meaning: A rash that develops as a reaction to a medication.
  • Example: “He stopped taking the medication because it caused a drug rash.”
  • 日本語訳:その薬によって発疹がでてしまうので彼は使用を中止した。

10. Rash of Events

  • Meaning: A series of unpleasant or unexpected events happening in quick succession.
  • Example: “There was a rash of burglaries in the neighborhood last month.”
  • 日本語訳:先月この界隈では強盗が立て続けに発生した。



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