今日の単語 watershed
W 0件のコメントwatershed
1.今日の単語は watershed です。water + shed ですが、どんな意味になるでしょうか。
Angelina River watershed workshop set for Sept. 22 – The Angelina River is a 104-mile stream that spans across five counties in East Texas. It is the focus of watershed planning efforts by stakeholders. “Stakeholders recognize successful development of a watershed-based plan supports efforts to improve water quality, said Anna Gitter, research associate for Texas A&M AgriLife Research at the Texas Water Resources Institute. “The riparian and stream workshop is an educational event supporting this effort.” (from AgriLife Today)
Can the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics create a watershed moment in disability awareness in Japan? Paralympians are poised to fight for medals and respect at a Games devoid of spectators. (from the Japan Times)
watershed なモーメントを作れるか?
The year 2008 was a watershed in her life – she changed her career and remarried.
The discovery of penicillin was a watershed in the history of medicine.
医学の歴史上、ペニシリンの発見は watershed でした。
an area of high ground from which water flows down to a river
an event or period that is important because it represents a big change and the start of new developments
watershed 分岐点、重大な転機
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