今日の単語 warfare
W 0件のコメントwarfare
今日の単語は warfare です。war と使われ方は違うのでしょうか
the activity of fighting a war, often including the weapons and methods that are used
Warfare is the activity of fighting a war.
Warfare is sometimes used to refer to any violent struggle or conflict.
It is against the UN code to use chemicals or viruses in warfare.
Hide and seek—how is technology transforming warfare?
Our podcast on the science and technology making the news. This week we explore the sophisticated sensors that are turning combat into an intense competition between hiding and finding – TECHNOLOGY IS profoundly changing warfare. On a battlefield packed with sophisticated sensors, is it possible to avoid being seen and killed? (from the Economist)
Legal understanding of cyber warfare in India – In the 21st century, imagining our life without the internet is mission impossible. The Internet has become an essential part of human life. With the increase in internet use, the fight for power in cyberspaces has also risen, which led to the emergence of cyber warfare. (from Lexology)
Much of the violence is related to gang warfare.
At times party rivalries have broken out into open warfare.
warfare 戦争状態、交戦状態
1年前の単語は propensity 性癖、生まれつきの傾向 https://himekurieitango.propensity