今日の単語 Vehement
V 0件のコメントvehement
1. あまり見慣れない単語ですが、まずはいつものようにニュースや見出しから意味を想像してみましょう。
Christian Porter was anguished and vehement in his denial (from the Sydney Morning Herald)
Most of his movies have been set in Hungary, but this new drama, scripted by Kata Wéber (who also wrote White God and Jupiter’s Moon), is his first English-language film, set in an indeterminate American city (but filmed in Quebec). It’s a vehement, forthright and sometimes unwatchably painful and upsetting emotional drama about the death of a baby; his two stars, Vanessa Kirby and Shia LaBeouf, are at all times giving it upwards of 10,000%, especially Kirby. (from the Guardian)
I’m a vehement Trump opponent, but I support William Barr (from Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly)
2. 英英辞典の説明をみてみましょう。
expressing strong feelings, or shown by strong feelings or great energy or force
zealous, ardent, impassioned
characterized by rancor or anger, violent
3. 日本語ではどんな単語になるでしょうか
4.名詞 vehemence と合わせて、collocation を見ておきましょう
Her vehemence grew as she elaborated her complaint. 不満をこと細かく説明しているうちに彼女の口調は激しくなった。
The politician got carried away by the vehemence of his own eloquence. その政治家は自分の熱弁に酔った。
They were vehement in their criticism of the new system. 彼らは新組織を激しく批判した。
Despite vehement opposition from his family, he quit school and became an actor.
Both men were vehement in their denial of the charges against them.
They launched a vehement attack on the government’s handling of environmental issues.